vignette du podcast : Brillante


Anne Desmarest de Jotemps, c’est un peu notre spécialiste bijou dans les podcasts. Avec Brillante elle s’intéresse à la joaillerie au féminin, en donnant la parole aux femmes qui y officient (dans l’ombre ou la lumière).

In this new episode of Brillante, the podcast for women in jewelry, I have the pleasure of welcoming Katerina Perez, the leading content creator in jewelry.


She tells how the idea of this profession came to her at a time when it did not exist.

She explains the development of her business: from blog to Instagram, from building her personal branding to creating training and writing her book with Kevin Ferreira “Paraiba: the legacy of color” and today she announces the creation of her private club.


Of course she shares her love of jewelry, her attention to creators, her passion for explaining the exceptional and jewelry know-how.


I asked her about her background and questioned her about her life as a woman, she who travels all around the world and she was kind enough to answer these more personal questions.


Her advice: take into account the balance of professional life, family life (including friends) and self-care. Do what makes you personally happy. And continue to be curious and learn all the time.


Good listening

author producer : Anne Desmarest de Jotemps - Il était une fois le bijou

Sound designer : Alice Krief - Les Belles Fréquences

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