Podcast cover: Spoilers!


This is Spoilers! A pop culture podcast specializing in reviewing movies. Expect retrospective “Movie Review” episodes (about once a week) where one of our hosts chooses the film we’ll discuss. The “Yes or No” segment will rank the movie; the possible flaccidity of Viggo Mortensen’s penis will be determined, and trivia will be played to select the next host/movie. As a bonus, we do additional Spoilers! episodes where we discuss something new in pop culture like: Rick and Morty, Documentary Now, Game of Thrones, what’s new in theaters (like Beauty and the Beast or The Boss Baby), Higher, Uncharted (the video game) and our annual Oscar Pick ‘Em Show where we predict who will win the Academy Awards. We celebrate milestones by playing trivia, or getting pap-out drunk and talking about Mel Gibson’s seminal classic “The Passion of the Christ.” We want to hear from you! If you have a movie you would like us to spoil: Tweet us @spoilers_pod ; slide into our DMs on Instagram (podcastspoilers); send us a hate email podcastspoilers@gmail.com ; or call up the rarely used Spoilers! hotline 903-776-4507 (903-SPOIL-07). Thanks for listening, that was Spoilers!

The boys wrap up their 4 episode arc with Columbo taking on Spock! A surgeon has an ingenious plan for murdering his partner in a research project, but a paranoid nurse quickly catches onto his scheme, so he kills her. Lt. Columbo has a tough time figuring this one out. Director: Hy Averback Writers: Shirl HendryxRichard LevinsonWilliam Link Stars: Peter FalkLeonard NimoyAnne Francis

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